Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let's make that easier!

Please visit our Knot webpage by clicking HERE

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Knot Website
we got a "The Knot" website
where people can RSVP and read about us...yada yada.
The Knot is actually really great.
You should check out our website and let us know if you'll be in town August 30!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How about a Wedding???

Welp. If you are looking at this site, it's probably because you heard the news! We are getting HITCHED!

Aaron and I want you to be well informed of what's going on.
So far we plan on marrying on Saturday August 30. That's Labor Day weekend.
So we hope our out of town friends can manage a trip down south.

Last night we began registering and looking for apartments. It was so fun to pick out the most random stuff.
At first Aaron was being very cautious and wanted to research, but he loosened up and started going ALL KINDS OF CRAZY!
(not really.) (But he did get a little electronics happy ;) )

That's all for now.